What happens in bad weather?

There’s little chance of general bad weather cancelling play with our magnificent roof, lit up by the glow of our magnificent lighting display and our shimmering giant mirror ball, so come rain or shine, the British weather won’t stop this year’s fun winter day out. We want you to be able to enjoy your skate in all weather conditions; the rink is covered to enable this; however, in extreme weather conditions, we may have to close for safety reasons.

What should I wear?

To make your visit as enjoyable as possible, we recommend that your clothing is suitable for your time on the ice and the weather. We advise wearing trousers or tracksuit bottoms as these will dry quicker than denim if you get wet. Please bring long socks, a warm waterproof jacket, gloves and a hat ready for action on the ice.

Ice Rink Canary Wharf reserves the right not to allow customers to wear impractical clothing or fancy dress on the ice rink if they decide it may cause a risk to themselves or others.